Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Debate : Is Social Media Good Or Bad For Our Kids? + Interesting ...

It is obvious that social media websites are taking over the internet and that new users are signing up every second. Social media sites are by far some of the fastest growing businesses online. It seems that our generation cannot get enough of social media and what it has to offer. No matter how many types of social media sites are out there, new ones keep appearing and capture our attention.

What makes these places so popular? What is different about each of them?

CRAZY FACT! : Did you know that 23% of Facebook users check their accounts 5 or MORE times DAILY?

Well each is different in its own way but they all offer the same benefit which is to share personal content with others worldwide. How great is it knowing that you can take a photo or write a post, share it with thousands (or millions) of people, receive comments, and interact with others at the same time? It is amazing how quickly internet content can become popular or ?viral?. Once you share something unique with a social media website and it takes off, you can become famous overnight. Maybe that is part of the reason why today?s youth is so obsessed with social media. Or maybe there are other reasons.

There are millions of teens and even pre-teens on these websites who are interacting with each other and posting content every second. Sharing photos and thoughts with friends can be fun and creates great discussions but when does it go too far? How many of these kids are actually using social media for the right reasons? I see social media websites as a way to share your personality with others, connect with people who share similar interests, and stay updated with friends and family. Do your kids use these sites for these reasons??

So social media can be very useful and such a great tool, but it can also create problems in someone?s life if used the wrong way. You will read in the news about kids bullying others on Facebook and how it even leads to suicide. You may also read that kids are lashing out at their parents publicly. The negative list goes on and on, but who?s to blame (kids, parents, or both)? When should parents step in and how strict should they be? What should the age requirement be to use a social media website??Is social media good OR bad for our kids? These are more questions I have heard and am asking all of you.

Please give your honest, straight forward opinion on this subject. Thank you for reading!


30 Statistics About Teens And Social Media (

Teen Internet Use

  • 93% of teens ages 12-17 go online
  • 69% of teens have their own computer
  • 63% of teen?internet?users go online every day
  • 27% of teens use their phone to get online
  • 24% of teens with a game console use it to go online

Teen Social Networking Use

  • 73% of teens are on a social network
  • The average teen has 201 Facebook friends
  • 37% send messages to friends every day
  • 8% of American teens use Twitter

What Teens do on Facebook

  • 86% of social network-using teens comment on a friend?s wall
  • 83% comment on friends? pictures
  • 66% send private messages to friends
  • 58% send IM or text messages using the site
  • 52% send group messages

What Else Happens on Facebook

  • 55% of teens have given out personal info to someone they don?t know, including photos and physical descriptions
  • 29% of teens have posted mean info, embarrassing photos or spread rumors about someone
  • 29% have been stalked or contacted by a stranger or someone they don?t know
  • 24% have had private or embarrassing info made public without their permission
  • 22% have been cyber pranked

Parental Concerns and Controls

  • 88% of parents know that their teens typically use the internet to communicate with people they don?t know in the offline world
  • 61% of parents? #1 concern with teen social networking is sharing personal information online
  • 60% of adults think parents should have full control over everything a child does online
  • 47% of parents admit that ensuring their teens are safe online can be overwhelming
  • 40% of parents worry about their teen?s social network safety when online, even at home
  • 34% of parents check their child?s social network sites

What Kids Think About Facebook Parental Controls

  • 67% of teenagers say they know how to hide what they do online from parents
  • 43% of teens say they would change their online behavior if they knew that their parents were watching them
  • 39% think their online activity is private from everyone, including parents
  • 38% would feel offended if they found out their parents were spying on them with Facebook parental controls
  • 25% would be shocked and hurt if they found out about spying
  • 20% of kids think their parents have no idea what they?re doing online
  • 18% have created a private email address or separate social networking profile
  • 10% have unlocked parental controls to disable filtering



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